Jump Start Course Description

We help you learn the nutritional nuances around weight loss and sustainable energy. .

Tu Vida Jumpstart opens the door to establishing new habits and rebooting your nutrition plan.  If you've grown up like most of us, eating the standard American diet (meat, potato, and veg) was probably on your plate but your health has fallen by the wayside and it is time to take back what Mother Nature intended. 

Our introductory 8-week program unpacks the credible science-based nutritional information and mindset training to help you make lasting change and finally rid your excess weight for good. 

This course includes

  • 8 weeks of the self-paced program

  • Fundamentals of what to eat

  • 2-week meal planner and shopping list

  • Fundamental lessons required for initial health reboot.

  • 1 workshop in week 2

  • Lifetime access to Simple Plant-Based FB Group where we load tips and new recipes.

In this introductory course, we uncover the gremlins that hold you back. When you alter your nutrition plan and shed that first 20 pounds, you begin to alter your body's inflammation and toxins which automatically increase your energy.  It makes showing up at the next family event easier. You're more assured and hold yourself a little more confidently. 

Having a coach to walk alongside you on your personal journey is a game-changer. You don't have to do it alone. Listen after Covid, we are all coming up for air. We're feeling a little fragile. But, as YOU untangle how you got to this point, our individual step-by-step system walks you through your transformation so you can achieve the result you want in the least amount of time.

Whether you want to firm up, slip back into that favorite dress, or reset your daily rituals, we help you get there! Take your first step today and book a call with us to discuss your situation. 

We'll see if we're a good match. 


Social proof: reviews

Kimberly Shippam

5 star rating

“I love the trajectory of the course and how much I got from it, even the things I thought were unnecessary for me I valued later. I think what you did (encouraging everyone to do the skill sheets and work through it even if you think you don’t nee...”

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“I love the trajectory of the course and how much I got from it, even the things I thought were unnecessary for me I valued later. I think what you did (encouraging everyone to do the skill sheets and work through it even if you think you don’t need to) really makes people dig deep to get out why they do what they do. I have no problem changing my habits for the most part but when things get hard I bounce back to old habits but don’t really know I do that, or why, until it’s too late. Then I’m back to my old habits sneaking in and change goes by the wayside. I also think the science is very important to prove this is the healthiest way to live for your whole life, not just now when you want to loose weight. This makes total sense in every way for your body AND you loose weight AND get longevity AND better immunity AND it’s better for the environment AND AND… the science is heavy but needed to prove what happens and because there are so many competing ‘diets’ out there people are a little warm out on believe this one type of thing. I really like how broad it was as well taking in chemicals in food and cleaning products, the sleep info, stress and the ripple effect. So many things I wasn’t considering. ”

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8 Week Course Outline

Click on the arrows to see the course content.

  • 01

    Prep work - Before you get started.

    • Welcome to Tu Vida Jumpstart: Nutrition and Mindset Introduction

    • Before You Start

    • Tu Vida Coaching Waiver, Liability, Privacy and Content Protection

    • How to navigate the site and Facebook Page

    • Zoom Basics and Google Meet

    • Self-Directed Personal Development

  • 02

    Week 1

    • Intro To Plant Based Nutrition

    • Check your understanding of Plant Based Nutrition

    • Reviewing Your Focus & Letting Go

    • Shopping List

  • 03

    Week 2

    • Getting Your Health Into Perspective

    • Vulnerability: Getting Comfortable With Being Uncomfortable

    • How to shop like a healthy person!

  • 04

    Week 3

    • Gut Health & The Microbiome (The Inside Story)

    • Check Your Understanding of Gut Health

    • The Roast Veggie Kitchen Hack

    • Starting a Walking/Hiking Practice

  • 05

    Week 4

    • Fiber: The Secret Elixir of Health!

    • Check your Understanding: Fiber

    • Discover your blindspots, understand your circle of control and identify what's getting in your way

    • Check Your Understanding: Blindspots

  • 06

    Week 5

    • Clarifying Your Values - What's driving you?

    • Check your Understanding of Values

    • Rising Rituals and Sleep Protection

  • 07

    Week 6

    • Neuroscience of Change & Goalsetting

    • Check Your Understanding - Neuroscience of Change

    • Designing Your Activity Plan

  • 08

    Week 7

    • How to Change Your Habits

    • Tools and worksheets to help you create a strategy and action plan for forming new habits and behaviours

  • 09

    Week 8

    • The Microbiome & Gut Health Masterclass

    • Walking Is Always There!

    • Exploring the Plant Based Landscape: The Environmental & Ethical Issues Surrounding The Animal Agriculture Industry

  • 10

    Resource Center

    • Resources & References Document

    • The Plant Proof Two Week Meal Plan

    • Personal Weekly Journal

    • Personal Weekly Journal - Google Document

  • 11

    Over Flow Lessons

    • Record Your Inner Critic - New journaling task to begin this week!

    • More Ways To Increase Movement Into Your Day

    • Watch the"What The Health" Documentary

    • Watch the Game Changers documentary

    • Cooking for the Whole Family

    • Quick "Go To" Meals - for busy people!

    • Ups and Downs to Dining Out.

    • Keep Intentionally Moving Forward

    • Grow Your Own Sprouts and Increase Your Nutrients!