Privacy Policy

We recommend sharing only the information you feel comfortable sharing. As with any course you take, we ask the information provided be kept private and confidential. Please do not share your login or password with anyone. We can see if you do. Your confidentiality is crucial for our community to grow and for people to feel a sense of trust and security. By creating this safe environment we offer an opportunity for participants to truly show up. Violating this is grounds for dismissal without a refund.

Waiver of Liability 

The physical activities shown in this course are examples of activities that Demelza, Jackie, and other presenters are comfortable doing. We recommend you obtain approval from your Doctor and work with your Doctor throughout the course. Please participate and attempt only the activities you feel confident doing. 

The course material is merely suggestions to move you in a new positive direction in your life and shed light on nutritional myths. If you are in crisis or feel you need professional medical help, please reach out to your Doctor or call 911.  

Tu Vida Health and Lifestyle Coaching is not a replacement for medical needs or responsible for any of the activities you do on your own. We expect you to use your common sense.

I understand and release Tu Vida Health and Lifestyle Coaching from any liability with regard to activities or medical needs.